Waukena Joint Union Elementary School District will continue to participate in California’s School District of Choice Program permitted by Education Code 48300 through 48317 as established in SB 680, the “School District of Choice” Bill. Since WJUESD is a “School District of Choice,” any parent or guardian who does not live within WJUESD school district boundaries, and is interested in having their child attend WJUESD entering grades TK-8, will not be required to be released from their district of residence if they apply for, and are accepted to, our District of Choice program. 

2025-2026 District of Choice applications MUST be completed and submitted to the Waukena Joint Union Elementary School District between October 15, 2024 and December 31, 2024. You do not need to be released from your district of residence to submit your application and be accepted. Please return the application either in person or via U.S. mail (postmarked no later than December 30, 2024) to: Waukena Joint Union Elementary School District (ATTN: DOC), 19113 Rd 28, Tulare, CA 93274.